
Friday, May 16, 2014


It's been busy as usual here on the farm! 
Our last frost date has passed, yet we had a Freeze Warning AGAIN last night, which has pretty much halted planting, so work on the garden has mostly amounted to keeping the weeds at bay lately!
We're anxiously awaiting the cattle coming to our pastures, and have been finishing up fencing another pasture we hope to have calves in this year. We are also in the middle of remodeling the first room of our new (old) house! It seems like there's always so much going on, which is wonderful because we love to be busy!

This morning was pretty chilly outside so I was admiring all the little plants still under grow lights and in windows inside the house. I had quite a few herbs that really needed to get transplanted into pots. Unfortunately, I ran out of flower pots (the problem, of course, is not enough pots, it is NOT too many plants!). So I was considering running into the second hand store in town to see if they had any I could pick up for cheap. However, with all these other projects going, the budget is even tighter than usual right now and I felt a little guilty about spending anything. I went walking around outside to see if there were any empty flower pots I had overlooked (nope) and eventually ended up by one of the old my experience, you can always find something great in the barn!

Sure enough, plenty of treasures in there! I found a couple of old flower pots (chipped, but we'll call that "character"), an old enamelware bowl/pot, and an unused tool box. 
After a little scrubbing....

Great new little herb gardens!

It's warming up out there now, so I'm off to work on some of those weeds in the garden! Have a beautiful afternoon!

I love repurposing, what do you repurpose?

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